Upcoming: NPM package for Clarity bitcoin lib

One of the most interesting properties of the Stacks blockchain is the view of their nodes into the state of the Bitcoin blockchain. The view is available in the smart contract language and it is possible to verify on-chain that a Bitcoin transaction was actually mined as described earlier in this post.
The main part of the verification is implemented in a library contract (clarity-bitcoin-lib-v1.clar)
I reviewed an early state of a library that helps web developers to use the library. The git repo is here: https://github.com/web3devs/stacks-bitcoin-api
It helps to build the parameters required to call a Clarity smart contract that uses the bitcoin library contract. Any Bitcoin transaction can be verified that has 4 or less input parameters and 4 or less output parameters.
There are a few open issues to finalized the library that hopefully will be resolved in Q3 2022.
The library is built with the support of Stacks grant #426.
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Synthetic Events in Stacks
Most blockchains have a way to inform users about events that happened in a smart contract. Some events are emitted by default, others are defined explicitly by code in the contract. In Stacks, all changes involving a fungible or non-fungible token create events. For example, transferring the SIP-1...

Bridging BTC and STX (v5)
This is an update to the first article about the Clarity Bitcoin library from May 2021. Clarity Bitcoin library is a tool that allows users to trigger action on the Stacks blockchain if and only if a certain Bitcoin transaction was mined on the Bitcoin blockchain. The Clarity Bitcoin library is a s...

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